Bookly Taxes Add-on GPL
- INR: ₹ 421.00
- Very Low Price & Original product!
- You will Receive Untouched And Unmodified Files
- 100% Clean Files & Free From Virus (virustotal)
- The same Product as Vendor’s Offers On their Official Website.
- Unlimited Domain Usage
- 100 % Satisfaction or Refund Guaranteed
Bookly Taxes Add-on 2.7 is the best WordPress Plugins being developed by Codecanyon. Bookly Taxes Add-on comes with powerful features that allows you to build your website quickly and easily.
In the latest update version 2.7 (February 2, 2022), there are new features on Bookly Taxes Add-on and bug that have been fixed.
You can download Bookly Taxes Add-on 2.7 at GPLZONE for $4.99 or Free For Member Club. You’ll receive the exact .zip file you would download from the original Codecanyon author. You can save your money up to 99% and 100% virus free.
In the author section of the GPL theme plugin, the author is Vedvyas, and the owner is Anushop. This section typically provides credit and recognition for those who contributed to the development and maintenance of the plugin while adhering to the open-source principles of the GPL (General Public License).
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