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Valuka – Minimal Portfolio HTML5 Template Valuka – Minimal portfolio template is high quality creative portfolio template with unique style.


  • INR: ₹ 1.14

**Valuka – Minimal Portfolio HTML5 Template ** Valuka – Minimal portfolio template is high quality creative portfolio template with unique style and clean code. You can use moral for multipurposes like minimal portfolios, agencies, freelancers portfolios etc. This template build with worlds most popular responsive CSS framework Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and so many modern technology. Template is created and tested in all devices and browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer and it works perfectly without any issue. The template also has commented HTML code for each section included in the template so you can easily adapt your templates to suit your needs. If you love the template, Don’t forget to rate us 5 stars and let us know your feedback for better update. All of the files are well organized and appropriately named. So it’s very easy to customize and update as you need. It comes with lots of sections and pages **Features Overview** **Bootstrap 3.x Framework:** Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. **Responsive Layout Design:** What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. Prince Theme is fully responsive layout for all type of devices. **Detailed documentation:** Extensive documentation plus great video guides on how to setup and customize Trucking will make your customization super easy and fast! **Touch Friendly:** Easy browsing on touch devices. **Cross browser compatibility:** Valuka looks great among all major browsers including IE10+. **Full Features List** + Based on Bootstrap 3.x + 100% Responsive + 11+ Home Pages + 4+ Header Style + 6+ Footer Style + 30+ Portfolio Variations + 17+ Blog Styles + 65+Page templates + Working Contact Form + Nice and Clean Design + Cross Browser Support + Clean and Organized code + Regular Updates + Google Fonts + Valid HTML5 / CSS3 + Image background + Easy to customize + Flexible and multi-purpose + Valid HTML5 / CSS3 + Detailed documentation **Images are not included. We have included placeholder images for each instance.**, Valuka – Minimal Portfolio HTML5 Template Valuka – Minimal portfolio template is high quality creative portfolio template with unique style.

Last updated on 15 March 2025 01:51


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In the author section of the GPL theme plugin, the author is Vedvyas, and the owner is Anushop. This section typically provides credit and recognition for those who contributed to the development and maintenance of the plugin while adhering to the open-source principles of the GPL (General Public License).

Valuka - Minimal Portfolio HTML5 Template Valuka – Minimal portfolio template is high quality creative portfolio template with unique style.
Valuka – Minimal Portfolio HTML5 Template Valuka – Minimal portfolio template is high quality creative portfolio template with unique style.
  • INR: ₹ 1.14